The Now.

The Disney movie, The Incredibles, was on last night as I was finishing up my work. (Thrilling Saturday night!) Having watched it so m...

The Disney movie, The Incredibles, was on last night as I was finishing up my work. (Thrilling Saturday night!) Having watched it so many times before I didn't pay attention much and it was really just background noise. Until Edna caught my attention with her famous line, "I never look back darling, it distracts from the now." Never has this line struck such a chord with me. 

As it turns out, the world does not stop when you are completely and utterly heart broken, although you feel it has. Time goes on, life goes on. As I dwelled and cried and hurt with such indescribable pain, the world kept turning. The clock kept ticking. And I was in oblivion. I tried to stay busy yet day in and day out, such negative thoughts encompassed me and I could have cared less about the now.   I simply went through the motions of life's necessities. Wake up, teach, barely eat, go home, sleep. I let my work go, my ambition ceased, workouts were nonexistent and I was M.I.A. What was the point? I lost what and who I had planned my life around. My entire future blew up in flames in an instant, the rubble the only remains. I have many goals and dreams, my most important is to have a family of my own. My dream was in my reach, we were attaining this goal together - or so I thought. And so quickly this dream slipped right between my fingertips and I was entirely distracted from the now.

Edna's got it right.  My control over the situation I was put in, or lack there of, distracted from so many positive aspects of my life. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to teach what I love, to have a job, to have my health to create a physique I am proud of, and to have followers who enjoy my content. My dream may have to be put on hold and my future is so uncertain but this too is a lesson. As a Type A person, I tended to live in the future. When I was heart broken, I yearned for the past. But as strong, independent woman, I will not be distracted from the now. I spent last night revamping all my lessons. I went to yoga and had two killer workouts this week. I'm counting my macros. From this I have grown. I'm back. 

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