Hey, What's Up, Hello!

It's almost time!  Yesterday was my student teaching workshop at the college where we learned more about assessment,...

It's almost time! 

Yesterday was my student teaching workshop at the college where we learned more about assessment, expectations and the logistics of our placements. I feel so fortunate to have been able to both walk into the workshop, and out of the workshop, feeling incredibly prepared for this experience. I am confident that I will make connections and be successful this semester. I know I will definitely make some mistakes, but I will learn from and grow because of them. 

I am not sure exactly what I will be teaching just yet. I meet with my CT in a few days. In the mean time, I began my ice breaker activities.  I've been scrolling through Instagram and asking advice (if you don't follow already, check it out here: An A+ Journey).  I have grades 10 and 11 and I am so over the, "Let's go around the room and tell me something about yourself." I put nothing into that activity, why should they!? Honestly, Fetty's Trap Queen lyrics, "Hey, What's Up Hello" are playing over and over again in my head this week. Hopefully the students will appreciate it. I decided on a student inventory that I created and then a game of "Would You Rather." The student inventory was a bit "Mad Libs" inspired and I chose thoughtful would you rather questions. Ideally students will pick a card from a box and read it out loud.  I researched questions online, but with my Special Education background, I was intentionally selective with my questions. I did not include anything physical - "Would rather never walk again or never sit again?" "Would you rather be deaf or blind?" ... Just doesn't sit well with me. I included a few funny ones, a few nonsensical and few challenging that requires a "why" such as "Would you rather have more time or more money, why?" 'Would you rather work alone or in a group, why?"  My favorite ones include; "Always lose or never play," "Be the most popular person or the smartest person." "Spend a week without your phone or a week without showering." (Real interested to hear those responses!)

I researched a whole bunch of Meet the Teacher ideas on TPT and instagram. I was inspired to do a newsletter type handout that resembled an old gazette. Initially, being a history teacher, I wanted to make it more old-fashioned looking - but let me tell you, playing with text boxes and tables and inserting pictures in word ain't no joke folks! After creating so much with this stubborn trackpad, I am definitely considering posting on TPT sooner rather than later. 1. Because it's hard work and 2. I'll save someone a whole lotta frustration and a venti iced coffee. 

Busy bee today!

What do you like to use the first week to get to know your students!?

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